Monday, September 30, 2019

Cmlit Essay

Van's life is described as â€Å"most simple and ordinary and therefore most terrible† (Tolstoy 42). So what would happen when death befalls him? What would be with his material pursuits in life? Rather, what would be without a spiritual pursuit in life? As death loomed larger, Van's focus in life changed. He started to realize the flaws in his path of life. As time passed, he went from a being of self-concern to one of a spiritual concern. This concern eventually brought him to be gladdened by his death. Death is often said to be a reality.Many people fear it, but in reality it is not a bad thing. When one examines the lifestyle, one realizes that man is placed on this earth for a relatively short period of time, n relation to the existence of the world thus far and its projected existence. It would not be correct to say that one is looking forward to death, but as mortal creatures, we must contemplate death and be prepared for it, whether it be our own death, or the death of a relative or friend. One may go further to suggest that fear of death is a social construct. It may also be very dependent on on?s religious beliefs.I find it quite ironic that humans are so fixated on life which for many of us is a day to day struggle to survive â€Å"paycheck to paycheck†. When I was younger, I had a harsh lesson in death which taught me the meaning of life. Almost eleven years ago, my grandmother, who was very close with, passed away. She was very special to me because she lived very close to me and we saw each other at least twice a week. Most of my life she had lived about an hour away and only saw her once every few months, but during the last two years of her life, she lived five minutes away.She was a grandmother figure because she did anything for her children and grandchildren and hosted many family gatherings. About a year and a half before she passed away, she was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. As a nouns child, I wasn't told about this immed iately. I remember being on a train from New York, back to Long Island, when my mother told me. It was a sunny day, which suddenly turned dark and gloomy after I heard this horrific news. I was sitting across from my mother as she told me. I remember asking â€Å"she will be gone? . It didn't sink in immediately because I wasn't ready to accept it. Remember thinking that she is still here so maybe she won't die. What was even more striking was once I saw her after heard about this, nothing seem to have changed. She was still my grandmother, and acting like it also. I didn't get lost in my emotions because life was the same. Cancer is an invisible malady. She looked the same last week, why suddenly is she dying? I didn't fully accept it until the night when she passed away.The doctors were unable to treat her and she had decided to live out her remaining days surrounded by family, in her home. Saw as she moved from a state of consciousness to a state of unconsciousness. The situatio n in the family turned to one of seriousness and sadness. They knew what was coming. Went into the den around eight o'clock on a Friday night. I sat down on the couch and couldn't old back my emotions. I had seen my grandmother a minute before in the bedroom over and she was peacefully laying there. I remember wondering if she was aware of what was going on.My mother came in and sat down next to me. My mother was upset since this was her mother, but as an adult she understood the outcome months ago and had accepted it. Reality sank in for me that Friday night. Was destroyed. I realized that she had a matter Of hours left. She had done so much for our family and felt that I could have never treated her as well as she treated me. My mother calmed me down and assured me that is everything is fine. She told me about the wonderful life my grandmother lived and the impact she had on her family, friends and community.She assured me that if everyone would live such a life, the world would h ave no issues. I sat there and began to contemplate what I was being told. Realized that as she returns her soul to god, she will be greeted at the gates of heaven by angels welcoming her in. She will be back with her parents, brother and my grandfather who had passed away a year earlier. As reflect back on that train ride where I was told of her impending death, I ant remember how long this was before her death.I suppose that the shock caused me to be overcome by other thoughts that I didn't retain when I was told. Also don't remember what happened after that train ride or where we were on the train when I was told. Remember being saddened upon hearing that she was dying, but as a child, death is a foreign concept. The idea that something is final and irreversible is unfathomable by children. Children are used to seeing changes in the world without understanding why they are happening, but as time passes, these changes revert back to their original Tate in many circumstances.The ph enomenon of death, which is irreversible, may be difficult to grasp when everything else lacks finality. My grandmother taught me the importance of family and proportioning in life. I witnessed as my family literally cared for her until her death which taught me a lesson in the importance of family. She taught me the importance of being a spiritual person by praying every day and making herself available whether it be day or night to help anybody in need. She taught me the importance of balancing spirituality with physicality so I will be prepared for death.

Emerging Leadership Trends And Theories Essay

The contingency theory of leadership concentrates on the efficiency of leadership in terms of organizing, leading and making decisions for an organization, and it is dependent on matching a leader’s style to the right situation. This theory was introduced by Fielder, who analyzed various leaders in different contexts, but mostly he studied on the military. The theory assumes that behavior and styles cannot be influenced or modified; it is contradictory to ‘’situational leadership† which emphasized the need for the leaders to adapt to the situation. Besides, the term ‘’situation† implies to a complex combination of leader-member relation, task structure, and position power. 1. Leader-member relation is an evaluation of leadership acceptance between the organizational hierarchies. Therefore, the relationship is high when the leader is respected and accepted by his or her juniors. 2. Task structure is an evaluation of the simplicity of the task or project and their methods used to achieve the end product. 3. Positional power is an evaluation of amount power the leader has to manipulate the productivity of the juniors. Therefore, the power is high if a great deal of power is formally attributed to the position of the leader. Transformation Leadership Theory Leadership expert James Burns introduced the transformation leadership theory. As per Bass, transformation leadership can be identified when leaders’ and followers cooperate in order to advance or change to a higher level of motivation. Therefore through the strength of their personality and vision, the leaders can inspire followers to change perceptions, expectation and motivation to work to attain a common goal. There are also four components of transformations leadership theory; 1. Intellectual stimulation arises when the leader motivates the followers to explore new ways of doing things and invent new opportunities to learn. Individual consideration that  involves encouraging and offering support to individual followers 2. Inspirational motivation arises when the leaders have a clear perspective that they can articulate to followers. 3. Idealized influence occurs when the followers emulate and internalize the leader’s ideas that they usually respect and trust as their role model. Situational Leadership Theory Situational leadership theory was developed by a professor known as Paul Hersey. The fundamental underpinning situational leadership theory is that leadership depends on each situation. Therefore, there is no single leadership style that can be considered the best. A good leader is the one who can adapt to his or her objectives and goals in accomplishing his leadership. In fact, the capacity to assume responsibility, education, experience and goal setting are the main factors that make a leader successful. Also, the maturity or ability of the followers is a critical factor as well which facilitate good leadership.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Abnormal Psychology; Defining Abnormality

Abnormal Psychology: Assignment 1- Defining abnormality Defining abnormal behaviour is one of the most difficult and provocative subjects within the field of abnormal psychology as there are a range of methodologies you can use to define abnormalities. Abnormality is a behaviour or condition that strays from what society views as normal and appropriate, consequently causing distress or harm to oneself or those around them.Due to the fact that society has changed through history when defining abnormality, we are now able to define abnormalities using many different scientific and non-scientific approaches. However despite the fact that abnormal behaviour can be defined in more than one way, all have their limitations; therefore generally psychologists will use a combination of the following methods when defining abnormalities. Statistical infrequency is one model used to define abnormal behaviour; abnormalities are defined by how often a certain type of behaviour occurs.How the majori ty of people act are usually classed as normal whereas possessing qualities and traits that are uncommon or rare are usually classed as abnormal. Despite the word abnormal invoking a feeling of negativity, displaying abnormal behaviour is not always viewed as a negative, for example the average human being would not be able to run 100 metres as quick as Usain Bolt as that kind of skill is statistically infrequent therefore according to this particular model he possesses an abnormal skill but would not be classed as having a mental disorder or in need of treatment.The major strength when using this model of defining abnormalities is that it is not subject to personal bias as the standards are set and based wholly on statistics and frequencies; how common certain behaviour is and how often it occurs.However there are many limitations when using this model, as mentioned above there are many abnormal traits that are statistically infrequent but socially desirable such as being ambidextr ous, but according to this model they would be classed as having a mental disorder or in need of treatment which is not the case due to the fact they have an uncommon ability, furthermore there are abnormal traits whist being a statistically frequent type of behaviour they are socially undesirable such as depression.Another flaw is the fact that the infrequency of some behaviours differ culturally and sub-culturally as certain behaviours are socially acceptable in some cultures but not in others, also within certain cultures there maybe differences. In some African cultures being able to speak to the dead or hearing voices may be statistically infrequent but displaying these kinds of traits are viewed as a blessing therefore socially desirable whereas in the U.K if you professed to be able to speak with dead people, hearing voices or receiving messages from god you would definitely raise concerns with regards to their mental state as this kind of behaviour is statistically infrequen t and socially undesirable. One way to define abnormalities is a ‘Deviation social norms’. Deviation derives from the word deviant and this is defined as irregular or unusual behaviour, social norms are the standards of acceptable behaviour set by us and society around us.Therefore deviating from the social norm is an individual or individuals who act out of character in accordance to the social norms set by society. A simple example of deviating from the social norm is rudeness or lack of politeness. Politeness is fundamental when interacting and communicating with each other positively; similarly somebody who is rude is therefore behaving in a deviant way as they are unable to interact with others according to what society expects.However as our culture also defines our social norms within society, likewise the norms we value may not be socially accepted within another culture. A good illustration of this is the contrast of social norms is the United Kingdom and place s in the United Arab Emirates like Dubai, regarding public displays of affection. In the U. K we have a more relaxed opinion of public displays of affection; to a certain extent of course, whilst in Dubai it is socially unacceptable even criminal to publicly display affection even in an environment we may deem as socially acceptable such as the beach.One of the most predominant limitations is that defining abnormalities in this way may be susceptible to abuse, as social norms change through history. What may have been acceptable 50 years ago may not be acceptable now and vice versa, for instance in the case of being pregnant out of wedlock in the 1950’s, many women were sectioned and treated for a mental illness, whereas nowadays it is deemed socially acceptable to engage in sex and procreate before marriage without any reprisals or threat of institutionalisation.However if we were to define abnormal behaviour with the single model of deviating from the social norm, professio nals could in turn label everyone that does not conform as mentally ill which is not always the case. ( Szasz 1974, cited in Cardwell and Flanagan, 2008, page 178) Additionally another limitation of defining abnormalities using this characteristic is cultural relativism. As we know the process of defining a deviation from the social norm is majorly influenced by our culture as it is our culture that defines what a particular norm is.For example a psychologist from the United Kingdom may have a diagnosis for an individual displaying abnormal behaviour, such as walking the streets with a gun meanwhile a psychologist in the United States of America may not. Every culture has their own social norms and within those cultures there are sub-cultures that would have their own social norms therefore the cultural relativity; whether it be cross or sub-culturally has to be taken into account when diagnosing somebody’s symptoms as abnormal.Furthermore in the DSM (The Diagnostic and Stati stics Manual) there is a section that describes certain patterns of behaviour and syndromes that are specific to certain areas and places around the world. Psychologists call this ‘culture- bound syndromes’ which means that there are no universal standards when labelling individuals as abnormal, as disorders vary in conjunction to where you and the disorder originate. There is another way to define abnormal behaviour another model is ‘Failure to function adequately’.Failure to function adequately from the sufferer’s point of view manifests itself when they are unable to cope with the daily demands of life such as working, interacting with others meaningfully, therefore labelling their own behaviour as abnormal; resulting in an individual seeking medical attention. David Rosenhan & Martin Seligman (1989) stated that there are a various features of abnormality other than suffering and maladaptiveness. Other features are unconventional behaviour, observ er discomfort, violation of moral standards, loss of control and irrationality.However just displaying one of the above features is of no great significance, it is the presence of several that would define abnormal behaviour. (www. integratedsociopsychology. net) There are further limitations to this model when defining abnormality, as the patient or professional has to recognise the failure to function adequately is apparent, which is opinion based and may differ. For instance an individual may think their maladaptive abnormal behaviour is perfectly normal and they are coping fine, meanwhile not being able to comprehend their inability to cope, sequentially others may find their behaviour very distressing.However someone displaying adaptive, abnormal habits such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder whilst not posing a threat to themselves or society could still be classified as being abnormal due to unconventional behaviour. Showing signs of distress, irrationality and maladaptive beha viour would usually result in being classed as abnormal but this may not always be the case; for example showing signs of distress such as being depressed may be classed as abnormal behaviour but the individual may feel fine even happy.Again when showing signs of irrationality, you may be causing no harm to professing that you may be Jesus but irrational thoughts about death and killing for instance would raise concern, in turn maladaptive behaviour can be demonstrated when an individual self-harms or mutilates we would class them as portraying abnormal behaviour whereas smoking can be seen as self-harming but not enough criterion to be classed as mentally ill due to maladaptive tendencies.Cultural relativity plays a crucial part in this feature when defining abnormalities as each culture functions in different ways, hence the failure to function needs to be assessed according to their culture. For example, in the United Kingdom dogs are viewed as family members even as companions a nd the harming of, especially eating a dog is a criminal offense punishable by law. Therefore this behaviour would be considered abnormal; whereas in China, dogs are eaten as part of a meal and keeping a dog in the home as a pet would be viewed as abnormal behaviour in China.The standard of one culture cannot be used to judge another as the symptoms and diagnosis are dependent on the cultural ideals and standards upheld by the individual patient. Alternatively another approach used to define abnormal behaviour is ‘Deviating from ideal mental health’. This model uses the similar approach used when detecting physical illness, when diagnosing a physical illness physician’s look for signs of physical health such as regular heartbeat; normal body temperature etc. , so an absence of one of these signs would indicate illness.In 1958, Marie Jahoda through research and secondary evidence developed a theory that if physical illness can be detected by the absence of the sta ndard ‘signs’ of health then alternatively mental health could be also. (en. wikipedia. org) The characteristics she identified as defining someone as being of ‘Ideal Mental Health’ included having an accurate view of reality, integration and ability to deal with stressful situations, capability to grow, develop and adjust, also being able to function at work and hold positive relations even the ability to love.In view of this model it shows that the absence of one the above criteria would indicate an abnormality even a potential mental condition. With all models there are limitations, according to this particular model the majority of people in general would be classed as abnormal or suffering a mental disorder of some kind as most people lack one of the criterion. Marie Jahoda did say that it was the ‘Ideal’ mental health so it would be difficult to gauge the level of abnormality depending on the amount of criterion an individual maybe lackin g.For example someone could be lacking the criterion of personal growth and actualisation resulting in a lack of drive and ambition, but that individual may be completely happy even satisfied regarding the situation; according to Jahoda they would be still viewed as mentally ill rather than just unambitious and lacking motivation. Despite Marie Jahoda using a similar technique used to define physical illness, physical illness have physical causes such as a cough due to contracting a virus whereas being diagnosed as having a mental illness, atients and psychologists are not always presented with physical signs as most mental illnesses derive from trauma in life, for that reason the diagnosis of a mental illness cannot be identified in exactly the same way as a physical illness. Cultural relativism is a compelling limitation as different cultures have different ways of expressing their ‘Ideal’ mental health.For example, according to Jahoda an absence of the criterion of s elf-actualization would indicate the presence of a mental disorder but that is because the western world strives for individuality and acclaim, however some tribal communities in Africa and the Amazon act as a collective and concentrate on working as a group and sharing every aspect of daily life, if the Jahoda criterion was measured against an Amazonian tribe they would be deemed as mentally ill rather than being a caring tightknit community, the cross cultural differences are too much of an dominating factor.The different models described all differ in perspectives. Failure to function adequately focuses on the individual’s sense of abnormal functioning, deviating from social norm concentrates on other people’s perspective and deviating from ideal mental health is an amalgamation of the first two models without taking into account subjective feelings.The classification and definition of abnormal behaviour has many successful approaches but as a single model is not ad equate enough to correctly define abnormalities, although each model definitely gives a good indication, it’s the combination of the described models commonly known as the multi-criteria approach that successfully aids psychologists in correctly defining and diagnosing abnormal behaviour correctly in a patient.References Cardwell, R. Flanagan, C. (2008) Psychology AS: The Complete Companion. Oxford University Press: Great Clarendon Street, Oxford OX2 6DP. Accessed 15. 10. 12 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Marie_Jahoda Accessed 21. 10. 12 http://www. integratedsociopsychology. net/Defining_Abnormality/7'FeaturesofAbnormality'-DavidRosenhan&M. html Accessed 16. 10. 12

Friday, September 27, 2019

Why Gun Control is not Enough, by Jeff Mcmahan Essay

Why Gun Control is not Enough, by Jeff Mcmahan - Essay Example This paper tends to summarize the article, with a personal reflection in a later section. Mcmahan emphasizes upon the fact that owning guns makes the matter worse by making self-defense a kind of self-help. Allowing guns will make criminals better instead of eliminating crime. This is because they will become better equipped with better guns and readier to shoot. The more the guns, the more are the chances of accidental shots. Even a slight conflict will make people shoot at each other. The power of government and police will be diminished, because people will not look for help from security agencies and police, and will defend themselves through the use of guns. â€Å"The power of the citizens and that of the police approach parity,† states Mcmahan (2010, par.5). Moreover, it is all a matter of relative safety. Individuals owing guns will feel safe, and those without guns will be the most vulnerable, and will look forward to having guns. The state which will allow guns will f eel safer than that which does not. â€Å"When only one state gets nuclear weapons, it enhances its own security but reduces that of others, which have become more vulnerable,† writes Mcmahan (2012, par.10). This relative safety will disturb the balance of power and peace among people, agencies, and nations. Mcmahan further writes that gun control is a good solution because it limits the use of guns both for the criminals and for common men. He writes, â€Å"†¦we would all be safer if no one had guns — or, rather, no one other than trained and legally constrained police officers† (2012, par.12). With gun control, people will start trusting the police force for domestic defense. Mcmahan asserts that gun advocates present their arguments against gun control, but neither of them is valid, except that the prohibition and effective implementation of gun control is not easy. Mcmahan ends his article by saying that the United States is suffering from much more vio lence and violent incidents that the rest of Western countries because of easy access to firearms, and gun advocates should give their arguments a second thought as to whether guns should be allowed or not. Personal Reflection Mcmahan has very effectively described the importance of gun control and gun prohibition by presenting arguments from both sides, and has efficiently cleared his stance on the topic. Since owning a gun is beneficial and dangerous both at the same time, thus, it becomes important to discuss who should be able to own a gun. Efforts have always been made in order to decrease criminal activity around the globe, among which taking away guns is thought to be one such effort, when it is not. Although Mcmahan asserts that gun control will result in less violence and crime, I believe that common men should be allowed to own guns so that they can protect themselves. The most important point here is how the citizens are going to ensure their safety when they are told to turn in their guns, just as Boylan (2004, p.130) states in his book. People wish to keep guns to enjoy their autonomy and guarantee their safety when they meet robbers, criminals and terrorists. Armed citizens feel their strength in protecting themselves and their families from physically stronger criminals. I disagree when Mcmahan (2012, par.3) states, â€Å"When most citizens are armed, as they were in the Wild West, crime doesn’t cease. Instead, criminals work to be better armed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I believe that criminals will still get better if guns are banned, because the wrongdoers will still obtain guns and ammunition from whatever illegal sources. And who will be in loss? The common man, because he will have no illegal source of owning a gun. Owning guns is one of people’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Developing an evaluation plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Developing an evaluation plan - Research Paper Example The staff is the most important part of any care setting, so it only makes sense that the staff itself should be surveyed. According to Brown (1992), there must be â€Å"identifie[d] broad categories of determinants of nursing turn-over† (pp. 154). The people who are in the administration should obtain turn-over rates before and after initiating change. This would be helpful in order to analyze whether or not changing policies effectively reduced the rate of turn-over among the nursing staff. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ Another thing that the administration should do is to compare patient discharge surveys before the change and after the initiation of change. This â€Å"customer service satisfaction† survey would definitely help nurses to increase their level of effectiveness and visibility.†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨ Staff attitudes towards the patient are definitely issues that must be addressed. If we are to be serious about the quality of the nursing, we need to know what the staff thinks of the organization they are working for, without having fear of retribution. Perhaps an anonymous questionnaire or survey would be a good indicator that would allow those overseeing the staff to more closely evaluate some of their policies. Patient attitudes and perceptions could definitely help the matrix to be devised which would help reduce the turn-over of the nurses in the organization and improve service to the customers, who in this case would be the patients. Patient attitudes and perceptions are part of what will make the rate of turn-over improve or decline. Thus, it is most important to have the patients’ input. The rate of nursing staff turn-over must be addressed. If there is a problem with retention of the staff, there must be something or someone in the organization that is causing these nurses to leave after a short time. Hopefully, with the analysis of the nursing staff, and with the assistance of questionnaires and surveys, it is then and only then that

MGMT305 U3 IP Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MGMT305 U3 IP - Research Paper Example The online community is large and riddled with potential buyers and targeting the right content can help increase conversions and therefore sales. In particular, small and medium sized businesses are effectively employing social media channels and the web to increase their presence on the Internet thereby helping them build awareness about their business and attract potential customers. Matt’s Pizzeria is a local neighborhood pizzeria located at the corner of the street and the business is a small scale sole proprietorship owned by Mathew Pillington. The pizzeria sells ready to eat pizza and also specializes in making its own pizza dough and pizza sauce which is quite popular among the local community. The pizzeria is famous for its delicious pizza however it lacks online presence. By building an online blog or website, Matt’s Pizzeria can expand and grow its business in order to build awareness and cater to the taste buds of neighboring pizza lovers. Wind and Mahajan (2002) describe the new digital model as being based on knowledge rather than tangible assets as in the traditional business models. Similarly, for a successful online presence it is essential to carefully craft the content of the website or blog in order to target potential customers. The new business models define a revolutionized form of customer-business interaction at times of uncer tain external environment. Social media including Twitter and Facebook allow two way communications between business and potential consumers thereby enabling informative exchanges and real time feedback. In addition to opening a website, Matt’s Pizzeria can also create a Twitter account and a Facebook page for its business. This could help promote their business and help the business to quantify its growth and success in terms of analytical metrics. Content creation plays a vital role in attracting customers on social media

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Global Company Environment & Strategy Coursework

Global Company Environment & Strategy - Coursework Example Soon, true to its mission and vision, IKEA opened its first oversea store in Norway, followed by many other stores and distribution centres in many parts of Europe and the United States. Thus in 1990 onwards, IKEA embarked on a global operations strategy and put up more stores in UAE, China and other parts of Asia, Australia and even Russia. Today, IKEA pioneered the global market and successfully positioned the IKEA brand in more than 40 countries in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia with more than 300 stores and more than 12,000 products in its product range. IKEA also introduced innovations in its stores by putting up IKEA restaurants and groceries to cater to the needs of its growing customers. All of this growth would not be possible without implementing strategic and global operations management that transcends national boundaries. ... Operations management took responsibility in protecting the environment by changing the way they do things in IKEA and by using environment friendly materials. IKEA also took care of the less privileged children in the world by generously donating and partnering with UNICEF welfare programs. 2. Compare and contrast the critical success factors (CSF) that helped IKEA to be competitive. Briefly outline how â€Å"Activity mapping technique† helps IKEA link competitive advantage, core competence, CSF and supporting activities. The major contributor to the success of IKEA is low price differentiation of its Swedish furniture that is globally appealing. While contemporary companies are focused on specialty design, IKEA keeps their design simple, light and functional, produced at the least cost without sacrificing quality. IKEA mass-produced for the worldwide market while its competitor mostly produced on demand. While IKEA’s competitors shipped and delivered bulky preassemble d products, the company innovated by selling unassembled products on â€Å"where is as is basis†, thus bringing down price without sacrificing quality. The results are â€Å"flat packages† and lowered transportation and storage cost. Another critical success factor is the way IKEA managed its supply chain. Instead of directly managing product quality and investing on costly plant, property and equipment, IKEA delegated the responsibility by partnering with more than 1,200 suppliers in 55 countries. This offers more flexibility and keeps their headquarter focus on transnational operational strategies, allows more resources for research and design, marketing and advertising campaigns, and even more resources for community social

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Advancements in Communications The Use of Cloud Computing Research Paper

Advancements in Communications The Use of Cloud Computing - Research Paper Example This paper will discuss various concepts of communication and its emerging factors in cloud environment. This paper will also outline the implications of cloud computing in communications. Cloud Computing  and Communications Cloud computing is one of the emerging concepts in telecom sector. In addition, cloud computing has successfully changed the dimensions of communication (Weiss; Koehler, Kraemer and Anandasivam). In today’s global world where new standards and technologies are offered and changed everyday each and every organization is trying its level best to make use of cloud computing. Additionally, the idea of cloud computing is already adopted in various fields. According to a research, cloud environment will be adopted in a large number of corporations and enterprises in upcoming years. In fact, cloud computing is already been adopted in various sectors such as communication and information technology which resulted in significant growth and profit generation (Phuk an). In this way the telecom sector is much energized about the scenario of cloud environment. In addition, the telecom sector will acquire numerous competitive advantages from networking operations along with modern technological aspects. Hence it will become easy for them to play an imperative role in the rapid growing world of cloud computing environment (Phukan). Cloud computing generally  offers a lot of convincing benefits for common users and organizations that used it, such as it is useful in many ways. It facilitates organizations with the cost of operations performed reduced capital and scalability according to our demands. So we are in right opinion towards business concerning matters to take full fledging advantage of the on-going computing resources and services according to our demands, collectively known as â€Å"the cloud†. Without a doubt, Cisco is a leading network oriented company is working with other industry leaders on joint venture to develop and expa nd protocols and standards that are useful in transformation of the long-term vision the Inter-Cloud form, today into reality. If the Cisco joint venture happens then it will make considerable changes in the cloud environment, further than the technology directions must change in this regard. The IT-related organizations, and how IT (information technology) mechanism with various business units, have to acclimatize as well, or organizations would not achieve what they desire from the cloud computing (Nations; Ingthorsson). If we research the Cloud Computing like both a service delivery model and technology concept, particularly according to its networking point of view, and also its various implications indeed. We already have studied the existing and promising technologies related to networks usually used in the Cloud computing, either in internal level or in external, it may include various aspects that correspond to WAN (wide area network) technologies as well as Data hub/centre interconnections. If we analyze the both Long-distance interconnections (MAN and WAN), the overall spectrum between information centers are visibly based on IP (internet protocol) standards that are used over the ATM (auto transit machine), Ethernet, SDH/ SONET and further recently, on MPLS with QoS as well as interconnection that have local capabilities.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Timothy McVeigh Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Timothy McVeigh - Research Paper Example Unarguably, the case of Timothy McVeigh is one of the most infamous and heinous crimes ever committed in the United States. It is second only to the damage wrought by the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York in damage to property lives claimed. What made it particularly significant, however, is the fact that McVeigh is an American citizen, which made his terrorist act homegrown as opposed to the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which was perpetrated by foreign terrorists. This paper will explore the criminal theories behind his act as well as in the dynamics of the drama that unfolded in the course of his arrest and trial, which culminated in his execution. This is particularly because there was so little effort to comprehend his act and his motivations because there was a collective clamor for his death and nothing else just so he could no longer repeat his feat. The sentiment was understandable, as McVeigh – throughout the whole affair stood unmoved and unrepentant, coldly defending hi s action as rational and calling the victims â€Å"collateral damage† in his twisted notion of things. ... The tragic event, wrote Stein, effectively â€Å"shattered the mythic invulnerability of the American â€Å"Heartland†Ã¢â‚¬ . (p. 51) McVeigh was apprehended a little over an hour later on a different charge – that of transporting a firearm. â€Å"By August 1995, McVeigh and co-defendant Terry Nichols had been charged with conspiracy, use of weapon of mass destruction, destruction by explosives, and eight counts of first-degree murder.† (Greene and Heilburn 2010, p. 189) When McVeigh was apprehended, along with his cohort, Terry Nichols, America was again shocked to find that these clean-cut men, both served in the country’s armed forces, were responsible for planning and implementing an action that would kill hundreds of their countrymen. In the process, they methodically constructed and detonated bombs, with the plan as some sort of revenge and catalyst to his separatist movement. (Disilvestre 2003, p. 64) For this paraphrase, this is the information/d irect quote from the source (I will include the quotes if you want to use it): â€Å"Timothy McVeigh, just 29 years, was the ex-soldier convicted of constructing, planting and detonating the bomb that killed so many of his countrymen. Terry Nichols, 42, was convicted of helping McVeigh plan, purchase and steal materials in order to construct the bomb.† (Disilvestre, p. 64) Criminological Theories Again, it must be emphasized that contemporary interest on the motivational factors for McVeigh’s crime was close to nonexistent as many Americans wanted closure and the sense of security that came with finally putting the man who murdered hundreds of Americans to death. If the public and criminologists themselves bothered to look, there are existing criminological theories that could explain McVeigh’s behavior and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Children and the hous Essay Example for Free

Children and the hous Essay Carver has been called a dirty realist. In what way do you think this can be applied to Neighbors and Theyre not your husband?  I dont think Carvers work can really be stereotyped; it is certainly different from other fiction by other American writers, so I dont think it can ever really be given a heading like dirty realism.  Even though the word dirty conjures pictures of filth, squalor and generally anything sexually different that people tend to shun, but in fact it almost has a double meaning- it doesnt have to mean sordid- its almost a term for describing anything sexually explicit which might otherwise be thought unethical or immoral. Neighbors is a story which basically is an insight into someone elses life- something that you would never normally know about that could be translated as interfering or an incredible lack of respect for other people and their belongings.  Theyre not your husband is a portrayal of male behavior and how controlling it can sometimes be.  Neighbors is a revealing insight into the life of a couple going through a particularly difficult stage in their relationship. The idea of such a trivial thing like feeding their friends cat is a particular trait of Carvers- to use something incredibly mundane to blossom something amazing from something pretty boring and routine. The way Bill and Arlene break all the unwritten laws of society and therefore bring a new flame to their relationship is odd in itself, but when you think about it, it is an obvious way- to try on the lives of people who are happy and confident in their relationship, and copy it into yours. The non conformist way they behave is yet another style of Carver; to show us the way people behave when they know other people cant see into their world or the way they are acting. I dont think that this particular story is particularly dirty, even if it is slightly sexual- it is not particularly crude or off putting. It is quite subtle- for example, the way that they always use the excuse of playing with Kitty when they spend hours in the Stones flat, is reminiscent of felines, which can be portrayed as erotic or sexual, and it is such a pathetic excuse that its obvious its not true- but neither of them ever questions it, they seem to have a hidden bond which lets them understand each other perfectly, and I think this is why they dont need to discuss anything when they go into the flat together. Although the Millers make the fatal mistake of leaving the key inside the house at the end of the story, it is too late, the image of perfect, routine middle- class life is broken. We realise that when we saw these people as a normal couple, mundane with no ups and downs in their lives, that we had only just scratched the surface. These people can behave just as badly as anyone else an although we do not see it, they are just as unlikely to conform to some perfect boring lifestyle than any of us. Theyre not your husband is a frank description of how male behavior can lead to extremes when men are put under great pressure. This can often happen in relationships when the female is more successful than the male, yet is unlikely to happen in circumstances where the man is the breadwinner and a wife or partner is left at home to look after children and the house.  This statement is proved when Earls failure to get himself a job leads to his controlling behavior over his wife in a want of something to live for, a purpose in life. Earl enjoys having some influence over her life and the way he can make decisions for her- after all, he doesnt really have any to make for himself. It gives him something to think about- ways to get her to lose more weight quickly, to make her an object of desire that he can be proud to be seen with. Earl seems to have no opinions or morals of his own- he relies on the opinions and gossip of other people to tell him whether his wife is attractive or not. He doesnt seem to be able to tell that she has lost too mush weight- it is like he has lost slight control of his mind, similar to the way anorexics do, they believe they are still fat even when they are skeletal. Earl would like her to continue losing weight until he hears someone say that she looks good- then he would be satisfied. The language used in this story is much more crude and chauvinist than that used in Neighbors. When the two business men discuss Doreen, saying Some men like their quim fat, this is deliberately coarse and blunt to represent just how lightly it was said, and how shallow Earl must be to take it seriously instead of standing up for his wife and forgetting about it. Instead he walks out of the cafe, pretending not to know her to save himself embarrassment. The language they use is quite dirty, but this is not Carvers own views- it is him trying to show how insincere and shallow people can be, and the seedy way they can behave. How 0men can judge a woman simply by her looks and completely ignore character. This is extremely realistic in the sense of how people are embarrassed to admit they are with somebody because they think theyre special, desperate for other people not to think worse of them because they like someone not considered to be up to the standards of others. It shows the appalling level that things can get to in a real- life situation without any of the family noticing much. IT takes outsiders to make a difference, good or bad. In both stories Carver uses dirty realism to give the audience an insight into the lives of real people- things that could actually happen and dont revolve around some huge unrealistic drama like a lot of fiction does. However it is a lot more obvious in Theyre not your husband than it is in Neighbors, simply because the language is that much more raw and unrefined. It is subtler in Neighbors, yet it is still there, and if anything, I find the subtlety more effective than the obvious, harsh language in Theyre not your husband. In both stories the language is simple and unpolished, leaving the mind of the reader open to discover the seedy and immoral world he has based his characters in. It opens your eyes to see the world around us in the same way, which is slightly daunting and depressing, but probably a good thing in the long run as it lets us look at other people and realise how pointless their lives are.  I think Carver has been classed as a dirty realist simply for the reasons that he uses sex as to act as a part in the life of human beings which can be changed by something which doesnt have to be very dramatic, making it realistic.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Research Methodology And Data Collection Methods Education Essay

Research Methodology And Data Collection Methods Education Essay An overview of the research study with a detailed account of the research design explaining the data sources, methods used, research instrument of data collection, variables included, sample population and sample size is presented in this chapter. The research context and the rationale for the research design or framework is also presented. However, in this chapter presents the research methodology, respondents of the study, data collection method and data analysis of data used for this research. The qualitative and quantitative methods were used to conduct research and validate research findings are also discussed in this chapter. 3.2 Research Methodology The descriptive-survey method of research utilising a questionnaire formulated by the researcher himself and supplemented by informal interview and observation were used in the conduct of this study. The research method that will be used for this study was the descriptive method of research. Two types of the descriptive method were used. These were the descriptive survey method and the descriptive evaluation method. Creswell (1998) defines qualitative research as an inquiry process of understanding based on distinct methodological tradition of inquiry that researches a social or human problem. In this study, data were gathered from the college students and faculty members of the selected universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The primary source of data will be the information given by the respondents through a survey questionnaire that was formulated by the researcher. (See Appendix C). As quantitative type of research, it presented the data collected using tabular and textual forms. All data were collected, verified, analysed and interpreted specifically the variables of the study. The use of questionnaire is considered as the main instrument supplemented by personal interview in gathering the data. However, there are no official and agreed-upon guidelines on how to conduct an unstructured interview. But in practice, many researchers comply with the steps listed below (Punch, 1998; Fontana Frey, 2005) when planning and conducting unstructured interviews. Step 1: Getting in: accessing the setting. Various difficulties in gaining access to research settings have been documented, especially when the researcher is an outsider in the environment. Negotiation techniques and tactics are required in this situation. The researcher also has to take into consideration the possible political, legal, and bureaucratic barriers that may arise during the process of gaining access to the setting (Lofland et al., 2006). Step 2: Understanding the language and culture of the interviewees. A primary focus of an unstructured interview is to understand the meaning of human experiences from the interviewees perspectives. Thus, unstructured interviews are governed by the cultural conventions of the research setting. This requires that the researcher can understand the interviewees language and, further, its meanings in the specific cultural context of the research setting (Minichiello et al., 1990; Fife, 2005). Step 3: Deciding on how to present one self. An unstructured interview is a two way conversation. The quality of the conversation is influenced, to a great extent, by how the interviewer represents him- or herself. The interviewers self representation will depend on the context he or she is in, but in all cases, the interviewer is a learner in the conversation, trying to make sense of the interviewees experiences from his or her point of view. Step 4: Locating an informant. Not every person in the research setting will make a good informant. The informant (i.e., the interviewee) will be an insider who is willing to talk with you, of course. But even more importantly, the informant must be knowledgeable enough to serve as a guide and interpreter of the settings unfamiliar language and culture (Fontana Frey, 2005). Step 5: Gaining trust and establishing rapport. Gaining trust and establishing rapport is essential to the success of unstructured interviews. Only when a trustful and harmonious relationship is established will the interviewee share his or her experience with the interviewer, especially if the topic of the conversation is sensitive. When endeavoring to cultivate rapport, the interviewer might need to be careful: its easy to become so involved with your informants lives that you can no longer achieve your research purposes (Fontana and Frey, 2005). Step 6: Capturing the data. Note-taking is a traditional method for capturing interview data. But in an unstructured interview, note-taking is likely to disrupt the natural flow of the conversation. Thus, when possible, it is preferable to audio record the interviews by tape or digital recorder. Research Problems Aim and Objectives Review of Related Literature (Foreign Local) Prepare a Survey Questionnaire (Structured/Unstructured) Synthesize and Analysis on the Literature Review Data Collection Gaps Bridged by the Study Determine Qualitative and Quantitative type of research Conduct Statistical Analysis Interpretation of Data in Tabular Form Findings, Conclusions, Recommendations Figure 3.1 Research Design In situations where only note-taking is possible, you will need to take brief notes during the interview, writing up more detailed notes immediately after each interview (Fontana and Frey, 2005, Lofland, et al., 2006). The above framework (Figure 3.1 Research Design) covers the essential of the research design. It would be an activity and time based plan based on the research questions. It would guide the types of information to be collected and from what source. It would be a framework for specifying the relationship among the studys variables. Hence, the design outlines procedures for every research activity. Finally, after the collection of data from both primary and secondary sources, the analysis process will be conducted using the qualitative type of research or qualitative analysis method will be considered and interpreted. The common statistical tools were frequency count and percentage distribution which were in the nominal measures. The weighted mean will be used to treat data that were in the interval measures. The data were then coded for used in the statistical computerization. 3.3 Respondents of the Study The respondents of this study are the faculty members and students in selected universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The stratified random sampling will be applied in selecting the samples for the study. Stratified random sampling is the process of selecting randomly, samples from the different strata of the population used in the study as stated by Burnham, et. al. (2004). Proportional percentage shall be computed after determining the samples. In this study, the research population consists of respondents who are the e-learning students and faculty of the selected universities. These respondents have direct knowledge and proper position to evaluate the quality assurance in e-learning. The distribution of respondents by university is shown in Table 3.1. There are a total of ______ faculty members and ______ students from University of Bahrain (UOB), Ahlia University (AU), Royal University for Women (RUW), Delmun University (DU), The Kingdom University (KU), and Arab Open University (AOU). From the total population of ______, there were ______ sample respondents were taken. Moreover, the population will be drawn from the sampling frame. A sampling frame includes the actual list of individuals included in the population (Nesbary, 2000) which was approximately _____ respondents. According to Patten (2004), the quality of the sample affects the quality of the research generalizations. Nesbary (2000), suggests the larger the sample size, the greater the probability the sample will reflect the general population. However, sample size alone does not constitute the ability to generalize. According to Patten (2004), states that obtaining an unbiased sample is the main criterion when evaluating the adequacy of a sample. Patten also identifies an unbiased sample as one in which every member of a population has an equal opportunity of being selected in the sample. Therefore, random sampling was used in this study to help ensure an unbiased sample population. Because random sampling may introduce sampling errors, efforts were made to reduce sampling errors, and thus increasing precision, by increasing the sample size and by using stratified random sampling. To obtain a stratified random sample, the population was divided into strata according to institutions as shown in Table 3.1. 3.4 Data Collection Method The data collected in this dissertation is through the primary and the secondary data collection methods. The primary sources of data came from the responses of the faculty and students of selected universities in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The secondary sources were secured from books, pamphlets, unpublished materials and other articles related to the quality assurance and e-learning in higher education institutions. The main data gathering instrument that shall be used in this study is a questionnaire based on the objectives and specific research problems on the effective quality assurance in e-learning. Informal interview shall also be conducted during the dry-run to improve the instrument as well as to provide inputs on the validity of the questionnaire. The questionnaires shall be distributed personally and retrieved as soon as the respondents accomplished them to gain a high percent of retrieval rate. Interviews are a widely used tool to access peoples experiences and their inner perceptions, attitudes, and feelings of reality. Based on the degree of structuring, interviews can be divided into three categories: structured interviews, semi-structured interviews, and unstructured interviews (Fontana Frey, 2005). A structured interview is an interview that has a set of predefined questions and the questions would be asked in the same order for all respondents. In the preparation of the draft of the questionnaire, the researcher shall conduct informal interviews with various key informants to have wider perspectives about drafting research instruments. A transmittal letter requesting permission from the selected universities will be secured by the researcher. Based from the information gathered the researcher will be able to formulate the draft of the questionnaire. However, in the validation of the questionnaire, the questionnaire shall undergo the necessary validation procedure to ascertain that the data intended to be gathered will be useful for the study. For this reason, the draft shall be shown to persons with experience in thesis writing and will be requested to give comments on the format, contents and other aspects of the questionnaire. Likewise, the questionnaire shall be subjected to the scrutiny of the researchers adviser. The researcher shall prepare the questionnaire in a manner in which it could be self-administered so that t he respondent will be able to answer with less help from others or no assistance at all. Revisions shall be made after the first dry run to improve and enhance the research instrument. The revised draft will be shown to the adviser for comments and suggestions. After all the comments are considered, it will be tested in a dry-run to find out which items still need to be polished. A dry-run will be conducted to find out if there are items which are vague to the respondents and need to be simplified or expanded. The adequacy of the time for the respondents to answer and the readability of the questionnaire shall also be considered. The questionnaires will be distributed personally at a time convenient for the respondents so as not to interfere with their normal work schedule. To ensure proper interpretation, the researcher shall make himself available during the time the questionnaires are being accomplished. The questionnaires retrieved from the respondents shall be properly labeled or coded as to university and type of respondents to facilitate the tabulation process. 3.5 Data Analysis The evaluation of each area of focus will be interpreted using the frequency count, weighted mean, percent, and rank statistics. The mean of each area will be obtained using the formula: x = ÃŽÂ £x/N (Downie and Heat, 1970) The numerical findings of the study will be statistically analysed and interpreted using the frequency count. Since most of the options are Likert Scale type, weights and corresponding adjectival descriptions. These are Strongly Agree (SA), 5; Agree (A), 4; Neither Disagree nor Agree, (NDA), 3; Disagree (D), 2; and Strongly Disagree (SD), 1. The collated responses were be subjected to Mean Weighted Average (MWA) analysis, using the formula: MWA = fw/N (Treece, 1986) Not achieved success factor On the other hand, the following range and interpretation were utilised to determine the key challenges and strategies that institution faces in supporting instructors in the use of technology, the weighted mean will be used. As shown, Finally, to determine the statistical analysis on the suggestions to improve the e-learning, the frequency count and ranking were used. 3.6 Ethical Considerations In the conduct of the study, the researcher will prepare a letter of request to the Dean of the Graduate School of Brunel University and to the Brunel Ethics Committee for approval. A formal letter will be prepared by the researcher and addressed it to the Chairman/President of the Selected Universities and Colleges in the Kingdom of Bahrain to use the survey questionnaire. The said instrument will serve as the basis in the preparation of the research study to determine the effective quality assurance in e-learning: challenges and strategies. Finally, the responses from interviews and survey questionnaires are kept confidential. 3.7 Summary This chapter presented the research methodology and the data analysis methods used to conduct this research. This chapter includes both the primary and secondary data collection methods. The qualitative research method will be used to interpret the data collected from the respondents based from the survey questionnaires since the study made use of the Likert Scale rating. The next chapter presents the data analysis and findings of the study.

Friday, September 20, 2019

MRO Activities in Aviation Industry

MRO Activities in Aviation Industry Definitions: MRO: Maintenance, repair and overhaul organization. OEM: Aircraft original equipment manufacturers. Such as Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier Embraer and others. Airworthiness Authorities: Regulate all aspects of civil aviation. These include the construction and operation of airports, the management of air traffic, the certification of personnel and aircraft. There are two main organizations, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of the United States of America and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). Airworthiness: FAA Part 3 defines Airworthy as, the aircraft conforms to its type design and is in a condition for safe flight. A more generic and non-process oriented definition is required. Airworthiness is defined in JSP553 Military Airworthiness Regulations (2006) Edition 1 Change 5 as: The ability of an aircraft or other airborne equipment or system to operate without significant hazard to aircrew, ground crew, passengers (where relevant) or to the general public over which such airborne systems are flown. Mother airline: In MRO aviation sector mother airline is the core airline from with the MRO unit segregates, for instance British Airways is the mother airline of British Airways Engineering. Virtual airline: Is an airline that has outsourced as many possible operational and business functions as it can, but still maintains effective control of its core business. Line Maintenance: Usually carried out at or near the aircraft dock or parking. The level of dis-assembly is usually limited to what can be reassembled and restored within a short period in order to allow the continuous aircraft operation. A limiting factor is usually the level of Ground Support Equipment and the scope of the revisions reaches to the A-Check. Heavy Maintenance: The mayor level of maintenance with capabilities of disassembling, inspecting, repairing, refurbishment, overhaul and restoration. It is usually carried out into specific installations called Hangars with and extensive source of facilities, tools and equipment. The scope of the revisions in this kind of maintenance is focus in C-Checks and in mayor structural repairs and inspections. Engine Overhaul: Comprises of the whole disassembly of an engine. The overhaul facility inspects the engine, repairs it as necessary, reassembles, tests, clean and approves it for return to service within the fits and limits specified by the manufacturers overhaul data (Lee et al, 2008). This kind of maintenance need to be done in a very specific installations approved by the engine manufacturer. Component Maintenance: Reparation of aircraft components is slightly different from a complete overhaul, as the workshop needs to determine the cause of a given defect, correct that defect, perform bench tests and release the component back to service. Very specific workshops needed for different components such as: Radio transceivers, Hydraulic valves, batteries, passengers seats, etc. Modifications: This kind of maintenance is performed in order a manufacturer option or an authority requirement. During the manufacturing process of an aircraft, improvements have been implemented over time, for early versions, these improvements can be made later in the form of modification, on the other hand civil aviation authorities generates Airworthiness Directives (AD) of mandatory compliance to the aircraft operators , that needs specific modifications. Introduction Maintenance, repair and overhaul in the aeronautical sector is a complicate procedure that has strict and particular requirements defined by airworthiness authorities to guarantee the safety of passengers and aircrew. MRO could be defined such all actions that have the objective of retaining or restoring an item in or to a state in which it can be perform its required function. (Vieira, Loures, 2016). The aviation MRO engineering could be defined such the arm of the aviation industry responsible for the retaining or restoring aircraft parts to a state in which they can perform the required design applications (Al-kaabi, Potter et al. 2007). Chang and Abdullah (2014) states that the business model of the MRO is a combination of technical capacity and logistic configuration counting the level of supply chain vertical integration and outsourcing practices. Chris Markou (2015) estimates the maintenance cost for an airline is 17% of the operational cost. MRO Activities and Models: Al-kaabi, Potter et al (2007) study assesses the decision-making process of an airline when deciding on the outsourcing of maintenance services, the study define three different phases: The first phase corresponds to the activities developed by the MRO, in this section the critical activities of the organization that are included (figure 1). The second phase deals with the study of demand based on a series of entries that will take into account the logistical complexity, the age of the fleet and its use, among others. The MRO have to focus on the actual market and need to develop a plan strategy for short, medium and long term. The third phase addresses the study of capacity and the true need to outsource taking into account the MRO cost, that include maintenance resources such hangar space, qualified equipment , qualified manpower and the dispatch reliability related with technical delays. During 2014 Global Market of MRO spends was value at %62.1 billion, excluding overheads, with a 3.8% increase per annum, the market size is estimated to reach $90 billion in 2024 (Chris MARKOU, 2015). The following graph represents the distribution of cost between MRO activities for the year 2014. Al-kaabi, Potter et al (2007) states that according with the critical activities of an MRO and the level of outsourcing developed, a MRO could be categorized in different models: Fully Integrated MRO: Where all MRO activities are generated and performed internally and in addition the MRO can support other airlines different to the mother airline generating external revenues. Partially Outsourced MRO: Where airlines try to maintains most of their MRO activities internally but some are externalised, for example the outsourcing of the Engine Maintenance. Mostly Outsourced MRO: Where only critical activities are performed internally for instance, generally airlines consider Line maintenance such a critical activity for the relation with the punctuality, for this reason is maintained such as in house activity. Wholly outsourced MRO: Where all activities are outsourced, it is similar to the Virtual airline model and it is highly extended across the new Low-Cost airlines that cannot afford the initial investment to create their own MRO. The following table represents an SWOT evaluation performed by Al-kaabi, Potter et al (2007) of the difference structure models. This variety of organizational models in which certain critical activities are externalized requires a maximum level of coordination between the actors involved, as well as within the organization itself. One of the leading issues in aviation industry today is how information is managed and retained in an organization (Flouris, Oswald 2006). Regarding to the operational aspect of the MRO activities Vieira and Loures (2016) states that the maintenance could be: Scheduled Maintenance: Defined as an anticipatory action to ensure that a product works properly at pre-defined intervals. The intervals can be defined in terms of hours of operation, number of flights or flight cycles. (Figure 5). Unscheduled Maintenance: Defined as not planned or programmed is performed when an unexpected component failure occurs. Actual MRO Scenario in aviation industry Aviation MRO activities cannot be precisely defined solely within manufacturing or service term alone, Given that it is a product of both (Ayeni, Ball et al. 2016). The process are very complex, each component needs to be certified by the competent airworthiness institution which define severe requirements to guarantee safety (Vieira, Loures ,2016). Due to the high quality requirements, there is a very small number of authorized companies to serve parts and services in the sector, this fact generates limitation in the options available when a MRO or manufacturer has to select the provider, creating a lack of influence to discuss commercial conditions. It can be highlighted four stakeholders in the service flow of an aviation MRO: Subtier/Supplier, Aircraft OEMs, Aircraft MRO and Customer. The flow model used by OEMs provides for key suppliers working as system integrator, this means in comparison with other sectors aircraft OEMs have very few suppliers approximately 50. The production parts is very standard and similar compared with other industrial sector, OEMs submit a purchasing order with the system supplier and making and respect a commercial agreement the part is delivered. The complexity increases with spare part due to the logistic and regulatory framework. Customers can purchase orders to the rest of the stakeholders always depending of the type of structure and also can request the MRO services. In order to obtain a complete an actual vision of the MRO sector, the following table shows the top 10 aviation MROs ordered by the number of airframe maintenance hours during 2014. (AWST, 2015) MRO Procedures: Lifecycles: Two main flows can be identified within an MRO Aviation (CHANG, Abdullah 2014): The Physical flow: Is the aircraft maintenance process which comprises: professional methodology, material, machine, manpower and environment. The information flow: Defined as the company management process which comprises the cycle of P-D-C-A (Plan-DO-Check-Action) that includes functions of demand integration and material logistic. These flows have to be analysed through the lifecycle of the different components of the Aviation MRO activity: The previous diagrams show a generic lifecycle for the different elements with which MROs work, they are valid regardless of the level of outsourcing that the organization has, because it is the complete cycle, which would vary the organization that would perform the task in case they were outsourced. Many common characteristics can be seen in the different cycles, such as logistics for the receipt and delivery of the product, personnel and tooling distributions, documentation and various final tests. During the development of the phases, the physical flow and the information flow must be taken care of equally. Is very important visualize the wide intricacy of the MRO organization management (Bierer, Gtze et al. 2016). The two types of flow mentioned above are then analyzed further in detail: Physical flow Regarding the physical flow, the maintenance process does not vary significantly with the product to be treated within the 3 life cycles previously exposed. Chang and Abdullah (2014) divides the aircraft maintenance process in 8 parts: Review Flight history: Make a review of previous maintenance actions and evaluate the current status. Determine Maintenance Items: Following manufacturer requirements and documentation, perform an engineering evaluation and determine the maintenance items. Receiving Process: Accept the aircraft from customer and perform the maintenance previous set-up. Disassembly: Gain access to the maintenance item. Inspection and testing: Perform the evaluations and approved test to ensure the state of the maintenance item. Assembly: Substitute and assembly the relative parts of the maintenance item, including de aces panel to the maintenance item area. Functional test: Perform a functional test of the maintenance item. Flight test: In some maintenance action could be necessary a flight test to ensure achieve the original performance requirement according to the regulatory framework. Figure 12: General Maintenance Process of Aircraft flow shop. Source: (CHANG, Abdullah 2014) It can be seen the easy allocation of the parts to the previous discussed lifecycle in Figure 8. The complexity and the resources used in the maintenance task may vary, however the process remains essentially unchanged. Information Flow The information flow is the company management process, Chang and Abdullah (2014) argues that is composed by two major functions: Demand integration: Divided in three stages: Delivery schedule: Where is necessary the management of customers orders taking into account the delivery date, aircraft model and requirements, this stage makes the link with the investment and business plan. Rough-cut capacity: Consider the information and the overall demand, during this stage the rough-cut capacity for midterm and long term is computed. Material requirement planning (MRP): In this stage inputs are receive from engineering evaluation (Bill of material), current inventory and current capacity, after the pertinent evaluation the detail production schedule is generated. Material Logistic: Divided in three stages: Detail production schedule: Generated in the MRP phase, it is based in the feasibility of the production schedule, taking into account the lead time of the details parts, outsourcing level, procurements and resources. Shop floor control: This phase monitor the progress and daily performance in order to achieve the targets of the detail production schedule. Delivery: After the maintenance task and checks, all the documentation and quality records should be prepared for reviewing and approval. In this section it is necessary to differentiate information from knowledge. The information is the raw content of the metric being used, Gunasekaran, Patel et al (2001) use some of the following metrics in the aircraft maintenance process: Documents rejected, Defects at final inspections, Rework, Tool bag audit among others. Knowledge however is formed through the analysis and study of information, and gives a real vision of the state of the process as well as the achievement of objectives. Significant knowledge construction and application involves information to be accessible and relevant moment and relevant situation (Iyengar, Dharwada et al.). One of the most important factors in the Aviation industry is how information is managed and retained in the organization. The concept of Knowledge Management in an organization is supply managers to with all the tools and knowledge necessary for decision making. Knowledge should be made available to the correct people at the correct time, and it must be sheltered so that this knowledge does not leave the organization. (Flouris, Oswald 2006). Bierer, Gtze et al (2016) indicates that the knowledge management is necessary to obtain a successful generation and correct handling of knowledge, they also emphasize the tendency of MROs to outsource services by aggravating the problem of making knowledge accessible within the company. Little literature exits on information management of the data obtained from various aircraft maintenance process which have direct consequence on the safety of the aircraft. (Iyengar, Dharwada et al. ). Nonetheless, in the publication the authors describe the hierarchy through different levels of the maintenance environment: Senior managers refers to the higher managers who reviews all the maintenance activities. Manager refers to the individual who reviews and report all the maintenance activities to the senior manager. Airline representative refers to the individual who performs day-to-day surveillance at the vendor location. Vendor refers to the independent maintenance operator who performs maintenance operations on the aircraft. Human resources: One of the most critical and most important components within the physical and information flows within an MRO is the human component, two main roles are mainly involved in the whole process (CHANG, Abdullah 2014). Engineer: The role is related with planning, certification liaison, and regulation, specifications to maintain the reliability, relations with financial departments and provide technical and analytical support. Technician: The qualified technician cover three main categories: structure repair, avionics and mechanical. The technicians are the main component of the manpower and they performed the designed maintenance task accourding to the valid regulation. . Mapping information flows is a process for analysing how information is transferred between two points inside an organization (Hibberd, Evatt 2004). There are two types of information flows: Direct information and indirect information, companies have for a long time tried to optimize and improve the physical material flow within the supply chain but is needed also improve the information which is connected to the physical flow (Chibba, Rundquist 2004). Figure 17: The physical material flow and the information flow showing two different Approaches (Indirect and direct information). Source: (Chibba, Rundquist 2004). Hibberd and Evatt (2004) indicates some benefits of mapping information: Enables the understanding of who is the user of information and how is used. It identifies the ultimate client or key stakeholder for various types of information services. Help to focus information services where more necessaries are. Steps: They also pinpoints a process of five steps to perform the information flow mapping: Describe current situation: They suggest a hierarchical chart showing the mission, goals and objectives of an organization, in addition it is also exposed the interaction with various business units and how these units support these goals. Describe potential clients: Identification of potential clients in other business units. Determining the organizational goals and objectives of each unit and identify what information may need. Map potential clients: Listing the units, needs and resources help to analyse the potential overlap areas, the current clients maps is completed with the potential clients information. The map should be completed with suggestions and reallocation of resources, products and services. Rank solutions for prioritization: Make a classification of the possible solutions: Low Risk: Organizations is not making a mission-critical decision. Moderate Risk: Organizational activity involves a complete department and its budget. High Risk: Organizations is making a mission-critical decision. Create an Information map: Mapping the final solution to show each department and the suggestions for their information, the information map will require updating to continue its function. Chibba and Rundquist (2004) argues that a data flow diagram (DFD) could be used to map typical supply chain information flows the article present difference commercial solutions for DFD creation and the characteristics for a process: Is necessary a supplier that contribute with some measurable entity into the process. The process comprises a number of activities that convert the object in a more valuable object. The process should have well defined start and concrete ending. The process should be regularly iterated. The process should use the organization resources. Is good for organization to work with a process model that all the member could understand, they should know how their process are connected, the hierarchy, hat resources are critical to the clients. References AL-KAABI, H., POTTER, A. and NAIM, M., 2007. Insights into the maintenance, repair and overhaul configurations of European airlines. Journal of Air Transportation, 12(2), pp. 27. AL-KAABI, H., POTTER, A. and NAIM, M (2007) An outsourcing decision model for airlines MRO activities, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 13(3), pp. 217-227. AYENI, P., BALL, P. and BAINES, T., 2016. Towards the strategic adoption of Lean in Aviation Maintenance Repair and Overhaul (MRO) industry: An empirical study into the industrys status. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, , pp. 38-61. AWST. 2015. Aviation Week Announces Top 10 Airframe MRO Providers: Biennial survey examines MRO developments, 2014 airframe maintenance hours and revenue. Aviation Week and Space Technology, MRO Edition, Aviation Week Ranks. May 2015. BIERER, A., GTZE, U., KHLER, S. and LINDNER, R., 2016. Control and Evaluation Concept for Smart MRO Approaches. Procedia CIRP, 40, pp. 700-705. CHANG, H.M. and ABDULLAH, K., 2014. The Operation Management Model of Aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Business. International Journal of Trends in Economics Management Technology (IJTEMT), 3(3), CHIBBA, A. and RUNDQUIST, J., 2004. Mapping flows-an analysis of the information flows within the integrated supply chain. Chris MARKOU Assistant Director, IATA Operations, MRO, December 2015 Airline maintenance cost executive commentary: public mctf An Exclusive Benchmark Analysis (FY2014 data) by IATAs Maintenance Cost Task Force. FLOURIS, T.G. and OSWALD, S.L., 2006. Designing and executing strategy in aviation management. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. HIBBERD, B.J. and EVATT, A., 2004. Mapping information flows: a practical guide. Information Management, 38(1), pp. 58. IYENGAR, N., DHARWADA, P., KAPOOR, K., GRAMOPADHYE, A. and GREENSTEIN, J., DEVELOPMENT OF A KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO REDUCE ERRORS IN AVIATION MAINTENANCE. M. TAAFFE, K., WILLIAM ALLEN, R. and GRIGG, L., 2014. Performance metrics analysis for aircraft maintenance process control. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 20(2), pp. 122-134. SAHAY, A., 2012. Leveraging information technology for optimal aircraft maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO). Elsevier. VIEIRA, D.R. and LOURES, P.L., 2016, Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Fundamentals and Strategies: An Aeronautical Industry Overview.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

John Dewey and His Impact on Society :: Pragmatism Essays

John Dewey was an American philosopher and teacher who, with Charles Peirce and William James, were the originators of the philosophy known as "pragmatism." Dewey had a long and distinguished career as a teacher, labor activist, and "public intellectual" who was not afraid to deal in his philosophical writings with real social issues. Dewey changed philosophy and its view forever and has made a large impact on the way modern philosophers look at things today. Dewey started off as a Hegelian idealist, but changed from idealism to experimentalism, which studied the human mind and real life issues, and which emphasized the ways in which human intelligence may be applied to the solution of real problems in real life. Dewey published over 100 books during his lifetime, dealing with topics such as education, ethics, logic, metaphysics, aesthetics, religious experience, war, politics, and economics. He was often scorned by other philosophers who thought his philosophy was too concerned with practice and not concerned enough with theory or with traditional philosophical issues like epistemology (or "how can we know"), ontology ("what is real"), or traditional logic ("what is truth"). Dewey was quite blunt in his claim that "Philosophy recovers itself when it ceases to be a device for dealing with the problems of philosophers and becomes a method, cultivated by philosophers, for dealing with the problems of men." (The Need for a Recovery in Philosophy, 1917) This set Dewy apart from the rest, and made his view on philosophy (Pragmatism) very unique and moving. His theories on human intelligence have helped numerous Universities, schools, and doctors help people learn. Dewey was one of the greatest minds to ever walk the face of America. Timeline and achievements of John Dewey  · Born Burlington, VT October 20, 1859  · 1875, attended University of Vermont major of philosophy  · 1879, taught high school in Oil City PA  · 1882, attended Johns Hopkins University- studied philosophy and psychology  · 1884, first job at University of Michigan  · 1886, married Alice Chipman  · 1888, worked at University of Minnesota as head of philosophy dept.  · 1889, worked back at U. Michigan as head of philosophy dept  · 1894, worked as head of philosophy and psychology departments at University of Chicago (1894 - 1904)  · 1894-6, founded University Elementary School, now the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools  · 1905, worked as professor of philosophy at Columbia University

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Comparing Social Expectations in Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club and Huckleberry Finn :: comparison compare contrast essays

Social Expectations in Joy Luck Club and Huckleberry Finn       Of the many novels written in recent history, perhaps two of the most of these society expectant novels are Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club, and Mark Twain's The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn. These books present the views of society very well, yet at the same time, differentiating very much from each other.    In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, a boy takes an incredible voyage down the river, representing life's journey. This voyage takes Huck Finn through many places, and demands him to make good moral decisions along the way, regardless of what society thinks. In the process of the story, Huck Finn learns that although society is usually correct in his eyes, he must learn to make decisions that he knows deviate from the values of society, yet he also learns that his decisions are morally correct.    In a different perspective, The Joy Luck Club sheds an different light on societies expectations, partly because of the different ethnicities involved in these two stories. The societal demands on the characters in the Joy Luck Club are very different from the ones expressed in Twain's novel. While the characters in The Joy Luck Club are Chinese immigrants, the characters involved in Twain's novel are White Americans, with the exception of Jim, the Black slave Huck learns to befriend. In critiquing these two novels, one notices that these two novels are in fact very different from each other, especially so in the aspects of societal expectations.      In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn, the main conflict that comes up is that of the issue of slavery. The society in this novel does not even consider slavery to be wrong, while Huck Finn continues to shun slavery more and more, as the book unfolds. This very belief Huck Finn beholds is evident, with his ever growing friendship with Jim, a slave in the novel. While society sees Jim as property, Huck can discriminate, and sees past the societal ploy for ethical mistreat on another human being, more specifically on an entire race. In this same novel, other societal expectation are present, and noticeable. This is evident through Huck's education. Society expects him to be educated, while Huck resents this all the while (Twain 20,21). In this expectation of Huck by society, there can be found no wrong.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Health and Nutrition Worksheet Essay

Use Ch. 1, 2, & 3 of Visualizing Nutrition, supplemental course materials, the University Library, the Internet, or other resources to answer the following questions. Your response to each question should be 75 to 100 words. 1.What is nutrition? Why is nutrition essential to our daily lives? For me nutrition would be eating the right types of food in order to maintain your body healthy. Nutrition is very essential to our daily lives because without proper nutrition our bodies would be fully functional. Either you would be tired or weak everyday no matter how much sleep you get or how long you’re at the gym for, again without the proper nutrition’s your body wouldn’t be fully functional. 2.What is the connection between nutrition and health? The connection between nutrition and health is that no matter what you do, everything starts with a foundation. In a house the â€Å"basement† would be the foundation, the part that’s holding the house up. But with our health, proper nutrition would be our foundation to a healthy lifestyle. 3.What is the relationship between poor nutrition and disease? The relationship between poor nutrition and disease is that with poor nutrition you are going to be more prone to catching a disease because your body is going to be weak and isn’t going to stand a chance against a virus. 4.What does it mean to eat a balanced diet? Why is food choice important for good nutrition? For me a balanced diet would be eating the right types and amounts of foods and drinks to help your body get the right amount of nutrition it needs, this means that if your body needs just 1 cup of wheat and 2 cups of fruits then that’s what you’re getting, not more or not less. Food choice is important for good nutrition because if you don’t get the right food that will satisfy your â€Å"pyramid† then you’re going to have too  much of one thing and not enough of the other which will lead to an unbalanced diet. 5.Why is physical activity important to a person’s health? What changes, if any, should you make to ensure you get enough physical activity? Physical activity is important because it can improve your health and reduce the risk you developing certain kind of diseases. Also by being active it will also help you stay fit and prolong your life rather than just being at home and being a couch potato which will hurt you a lot, because I am in the military I believe that I am already fit, sometimes I even think I’m getting too much physical activity, we workout 5 days a week and 4 out of the 5 days we work out in the morning and afternoon. 6.What influences your food choices? Why? What influences the food I pick would be a variety of things such as how it smells, looks, taste and most of all my culture. I’m Puerto Rican so I was brought up eating rice and beans for me food wasn’t food unless rice and beans were included. But around ten years old I moved to New York where its multicultural so that’s where I started tasting all different kinds of food such as Italian, Dominican, and real Chinese food, and realized that in order for something to be ‘food’ rice and beans’ didn’t have to be included. What also influences the food I pick depends on my son, me and my wife wont usually cook something that he doesn’t like but he’s so picky at times that we just make something healthy for all of us and he won’t eat it, I would have to feed it to him in order for him to eat it. 7.What is the difference between digesting protein and carbohydrates? Which would make you feel fuller longer? Why? The difference between digesting protein and digesting carbohydrates is that proteins are digested into amino acids while carbohydrates are digested into simple sugars. Also carbohydrates are converted into glucose which are then stored in the body and Proteins are broken down into amino acids which then are used to build and repair body tissues. I believe that protein will make you feel fuller because you don’t have to eat as much in order to satisfy your hunger. 8.How does today’s society affect our nutritional habits? Our society today affects our nutritional habits tremendously It’s so hard to control our food portion because of the food industries in the United States. Right now for example we could go down the street to McDonalds and order a Big Mac meal. Now the Big Mac alone has about 550 calories but then they give you some fries with the Big Mac and a fountain drink. Now if you were brought up like how I was, which was your mother or father yelling at you and telling you, â€Å"you need to eat everything on my plate†, then of course you are going to inherit those habits and you’re going to be eating everything they give you, and that of course unhealthy. You’re going to be eating a lot more than what you’re supposed to, making us gain weight and even have health issues. 9.How are nutrients used to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP)? Adenosine triphosphate, or ATP, acts as a source of fuel within your cells. Formed from a series of chemical reactions, carbohydrates, proteins and fats can all be converted into ATP following digestion. One type of food that provides a source of ATP is meat and fish. These foods contain several animal cells, with each cell containing preformed ATP. The nutrients found within meats and fish may also provide a source of ATP within your body. Upon consumption, the fatty acids and proteins in meats and fish are digested and absorbed. If your body requires an immediate source of energy, these nutrients are used to make ATP within your own cells, helping to fuel your body. 10.Consider your personal dietary habits. What are some modifications you might make to promote good health? My personal dietary habits are eating only two meals a day and just drink water or powerade throughout the rest of the day. Which I know now that is a terrible idea, skipping meals isn’t good for us. In them two meals I eat a day, since I’m always at the gym I eat a lot of meat to intake a lot of protein, and with the meat I would eat about 1.5 cups of rice and .5 cups of beans, which is diffidently not maintaining a balanced diet at all. Some modifications I might make to promote good health would be to not skip meals, and maintain a balanced diet, not too much and not too less.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A journey of thousand miles

A journey of thousand miles, says an infamous adage, begins with a single step. This saying speaks volumes for life and relationships alike. Far from being generic, the saying does in fact strike a sensitive chord, at least as far as I am chiefly concerned. For early on in life, I have been taught that each one of us is bound to take a path that would lead one to realize the noble purpose of one’s otherwise brief life.At this point, my discernment leads me to consider taking a step towards a path not everyone would readily entertain – to take up a Masters Degree in Education. And I know that this is exactly where I can embrace my greater purpose of in life.I believe that I am gifted to have both a passion for Mathematics and a knack for academic instruction. My desire to become a Mathematics teacher in the secondary level therefore stems from natural giftedness in view of both ends.In my stint as an instructor, I have come to realize that what spells fulfillment for som eone called into this profession lies not so much in how sizeable one earns on a bi-monthly basis, but on how fulfilled one becomes in seeing his or her students learn things that would later on help them become established individuals themselves. Â  If only to mentio.I have had the privilege of working with students, which on the surface, pose great challenge not only for instructors but also for the learning environment; these are, among others, students coming from low-income families, those whose English adeptness are classified as secondary, those who are most often under-represented, and even those tagged with negative backgrounds on account of their parents’ involvement in drugs and gangs.I believe that working with these students, i.e., working to ensure that these students get to receive their share of the promising benefits of education, have greatly moved me to consider further developing my instructional skills in order to better serve them. Far more critical, my experiences have also made me realize that there is a pressing need to prepare for similar experiences of this nature which I have yet to encounter in my professional journey.I am of the firm belief that a Masters Degree in Education, with special concentration on Mathematics, will help me become better equipped to respond to the many challenges of present-day educational instruction. Now more than ever, the need to be more competitive and inclusive in instructional approach – i.e., the need to create a learning environment that appreciates and caters to the individual needs of, ideally, each learner – requires a fair amount of expertise both in one’s theoretical base and practical instructional skills.Basic knowledge can hardly be enough. For when the welfare of our younger generation is at stake, I must do everything and anything, but falter. Along the same vein, I believe that continuing to tread along a professional path with a Masters Degree will ensure th at I can always end up in a better position to handle instructional issues that require not just basic knowledge but also – even more so – expertise.To this end, I have decided to pursue my graduate studies at the Charter College of Education in California State University, Los Angeles; and I must say that I am making this decision not bereft of good reasons. I am fully aware that the Charter College of Education can help me realize my goal to become an expert in the field of secondary education.Besides, it is not for nothing that the University is admired for making successful professionals out of its students. By right of mere logic, I can only surmise that the educational programs of the University have been very successful in tapping the potentials of its learners. In many ways therefore, I do believe that, for a learning institution that promises to give individual attention to their students, the Charter College of Education is the best choice there is for me.Tru e, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. But one has to make sure that he or she takes the right one, lest the journey end up self-defeating life’s greater purpose. As for myself, I am certain that, by deciding to pursue my graduate studies at the Charter College of Education, I am taking not just the first step, but also making the right choice.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Cisco’s It Implementation of an Organizational Change

Introduction Today’s world calls for a pressing need to utilize the I. T services and resources whilst reducing the cost in order to improve organizational wide productivity. There are many CEO’s of the business world today that suggest the top priority of an any organization is to possess the ability to develop a sense of new ideas and innovations. (Porter, Stern & Council on Competitiveness, 1999). The term â€Å"innovation† used by organization’s simply illustrates the invention of a new product, processes and systems that which are simply created to adapt to the constant change in markets, technologies as well as modes of competition. D’Aveni, 1994; Dougherty & Hardy, 1996; Utterback, 1994). Porras & Silvers (1991) also analyses the organizational change and its importance in the emerging contrast between Cisco IT Network and Data Centre Services (NDCS) which was switched from using a conventional organizational model to Cisco’s own lifec ycle model, along with substantial operations improvements across five various metrics. This contrast is sufficiently pervasive in recent work and sufficiently central in the conceptualization of change that has been used and it as the framework that organizes has review.This report will illustrate a framework aimed at managers that shows the process of innovation can be a managing change, service support and service performance within an organization. However, it is evident that managing the complex and the risky process of innovation has been proven to be problematic and laden with difficulty. (Kanter, 1989; Quinn, 1985). An extensive review based on relevant literature, supported by a development of logical and well justified arguments of the capability of innovation.We will also examine the methodology of CISCO Lifecycle in terms of behavior shift, transition process along with the successful innovations that contains the core elements and processes regardless of the industry or firm. High performing innovators are also able to harness this innovation meta-capability in order to achieve outstanding performance. An interview conducted by Dr Joseph Fiksel for the Journal of Sustainable Product Design claims that it is vital to not only understand how the process functions as well as gaining an understanding of the entire culture of the product development community.Dr Joseph debates that â€Å"product design developers tend to be arrogant but are however generally skillful and creative individuals possess strong engineering skills†. These individuals tend to be very suspicious of anyone who renders their services as well anyone who seems to come in their way to complicate their hectic lives. (Charter, 1998) Analysis of CISCO IT Lifecycle Methodology As for enterprise’s such Cisco whom are moving from the traditional technology (Silo-based organizational structure) to a lifecycle-based model will be a substantial improvement operation across fiv e various metrics. Lowe, 2009). This change will solve the issue of duplication and lack of focus across the organization. Stereotypically, most government classification schemes along with management and economics literatures considers services as anything that is not tangible, manufactured goods that are consumed as it is produced and sold. Take for instances, the industry that we use in this paper; software product business is classified as service business by the United States government’s standard under the classification scheme.Traditionally the development of ASIC’s within a company such as Cisco has been tightly coupled with the development of a single end product. However, the rising cost associated with development of high end ASIC’s has forced a behavior shift in the ASIC’s development process. Research findings â€Å"process view† and â€Å"integration† conducted by Seethamraju (2012). Though business processes have been subjecte d to a formal study via multiple perspectives for a period of time dating to the start of the industrial age. There processes were still not quite well understood and were left unmanaged and poorly executed. CISCO I.T could have implemented other methodologies such as Phased Methodology or Business Process Modeling (BPM). We have concluded that these methodologies have evolved through various stages from the early 1700’s as â€Å"division of labor†. This was when manufacturing first moved into factories from the cottage industry. These methodologies is not only executed by conventional business but is tailored for all sorts of organizations such as government agencies, departments, charities, mutual and cooperatives as well as many others. An example that can be used is the â€Å"Six Sigma† was first developed by Motorola Inc, in the mid 1980’s.This methodology provides extensive â€Å"Six Sigma† training and consultancy services. Accordng to Motor ola I. T â€Å"Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps us focus on developing and delivering close to perfect products and services. This system drives clarity around business strategies and the metrics that reflect success with strategy. Through experience, Motorola has learned that discipline use of metrics and applications of this methodology is still not sufficient to drive a desired breakthrough for improvements and results that are sustainable over a period of time.Discuss the insight and learning’s from the case that you consider could be applied to your own situation. Before proceeding further to a methodology that I may apply to my own case scenario, I will first examine my strength and limitations. After carefully considering the challenges I might incur, different techniques have been used in order to generate more accurate customer information and the insight to their problems. A major approach to gain a better understanding of customer needs has be lead-user innovation. (Von Hippel, Thomke & Sonnack, 1999).However, I find that the lack of metrics and ineffective measurements will be the perfect method to be applied in these circumstances. As the global increase of competitive advantages on how business are conducted, Information technology has become an increasingly important tool especially with I. T service industries such as CISCO, where productivity could be enhanced by using the efficient resources made available by reducing cost. During the initial stages, CISCO was using a traditional silo-ed organizational structure in which staffs are involved in doing both the implementation and operational work.The difference between the traditional, heavily statist system and the unequal liberal system is that both are equally inefficient when providing the public goods or services. Various authors (Jenson 2004, Levesque et al. 2005) point to the silent reconfiguration of the welfare state which started two decades ago under the in fluence of NGOs, associations, the community sector and the third sector. The limitations under this structure are duplications of work by staffs and the lack of a clear focus. These factors have further influenced the company to search for an alternative structure that would be compatible with its standards.Cisco advanced service’ Network Availability Improvement Service organization (NAIS) was asked to identify areas that require changes along with making recommendations on how this can be achieved. NAIS uses Operational Risk Management Analysis to assess people, process and tools that limit operational risk. Thus, a clear roadmap for operational excellence is designed to improve best practices (Chan, & Mauborgne, 1997). This can also be used in any organization at any level of process work. While it's particularly useful for handling large-scale process redesigning, it is also useful when working on a single process.Through this process the traditional organizational struc ture was changed to Cisco’s Lifecycle structure which later proved to be more efficient and effective. (Behrendt, 1997) According to the Life Cycle Design principles, interdisciplinary teamwork of multi stakeholders is essential in life cycle design. Interdisciplinary cooperation in a complex problem or task like Life Cycle Design, that includes different aspects, demands active participation and involvement of different specialists in order to succeed in the effective implementation of product life cycle design.How will you apply these insights and learning’s in your current or future endeavors as a manager? Through the implementation Cisco’s lifecycle methodology which helps solves the business problems comprises of six lifecycle processes in which each stage articulates concepts in broader views. (Clegg, 1999). Through this new structure in place the organization first determines its financial strengths before new projects are accepted and the implications in the near future regardless whether the organization has the resources to handle the technology.My opinion calls for the needs of managers to coordinate daily operations in which will cultivate innovation and change within their companies. However, the need to manage competencies is often viewed as a hindrance in the development of successful innovations. Activities such as manufacturing and marketing are seen as the key to current success with organizational processes built around stability, efficiency and profitability in generating a cash flow.Processes that are developed such as â€Å"programming† mainstream business units to perform routines, formalize structures and also not to think outside the box (Starbuck, 1983). An eloquent business design which entails business goals and technical requisites would foster a high performance service delivery. Staff skill improvements are important as it enhances the productivity and reduces excessive wastage. This new model also hel ps the organization in reducing its operating expenses and at the same time helps maintain the enhanced performance of service delivery and proactively responding to corresponding events happening.Teece & Pisano (1994) suggest that further development of the area proposing dynamic capabilities theories such as â€Å"subset of the competences and capabilities will allow the firm to create new products, processes and respond to the changing market. A continuous improvement in every aspect of the organization is very critical to its survival as there is a highly competitive market. There should be optimal utilization of resources and advantages. Give your strengths and limitations, what might be the challenges for you in applying these insights and how could you try to meet these challenges?It is highly noted that a behavioral shift of Cisco’s traditional structure to the new lifecycle model has increased the competitive advantage of the company amongst its competitors in the m arket. This shift would have a very significant effect both within employees (internally) and customers (externally). Tidd, et al. (2001). An approach of creative techniques for problem solving can further be utilized to exploit all avenues of defect, where all issues would be firmly accessed and analyzed with the required manner and tools.Addressing the observed limitations of life cycle approaches and how I might face the challenges of today, I will consider both the analytical and the practical approaches in which I think has room improvement. Firstly I will improve the coverage of impacts, and the reliability, accessibility and practical applicability; by doing so it will make the results easier in practice. A life cycle analysis program was designed to which specific structural and material information is used for the comparison of a set of alternatives design material modification schemes (Bahia et al. 2012) this can also lead to a release of fumes during mixing and laying dow n processes (Miller & Bahia, 2009). Allowing results to be seen in the future with a balanced view by weighing your organization's desires against competitive realities. The best possible decision that can be achieved here to obtain maximum results can be achieved using limited resources that are made available. The new Cisco lifecycle methodology is an appropriate tool where other businesses can transform their operational structure from the conventional structure to a more result orientated structure.These methodologies are said to be tailored to suit all businesses due to its comprehensive and broad analysis of events carried out within the organizational structure. This methodology can also provide clear focus and distention of work in which every employee or department is to carry out. The efficiency of service has well improved as there is a timely intervention of any problem by the staffs with the required skills and expertise thus the standard tools are at their disposal. Th erefore, it can be recommended to other businesses that are having problems with their traditional structure to adapt to the Cisco lifecycle methodology.Conclusion What we have discussed here are the most common used in business today, even as organization look forward in the ability to develop new ideas and innovation and still new products, processes and system required for adapting to changing markets, technologies and modes of competition, as managers show that innovation can be managing change in service support and service performance within organizations. But this process of innovation can be risky. This paper report illustrates a logical view in terms of behavioral shift in the methodology of CISCO IT Lifecycle and its transition process regardless of the industry or firm.This methodology does not only illustrates how the process functions but it also helps us to gain a better understanding of the whole culture of product development community reaffirming the argument that p roduct design developers are arrogant however are generally talented and are creative individuals References Andriopoulos, C. & Lowe, A. (2000). ‘Enhancing organizational creativity: the process of perpetual challenging’. Management Decision. Behrendt S. , Jasch Chr. , Peneda M. C. , H. van Weenen (1997), Life Cycle Design: A Manual for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Institute fur Zukunftsstudien und Technologiebewertung, SpringerCharter, M. (1998), The Journal of Sustainable Product Design, interview with Dr Joseph Fiksel, April 1998, p. 49-52 Chan, K. W. & Mauborgne, R. (1997). ‘Value Innovation: The Strategic Logic of High Growth’. Harvard Business Review. Clegg, B. (1999). Creativity and innovation for managers. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Hassan A. Tabatabaee, Hussain U. Bahia(2012). Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison 1415 Engineering Dr. , Room 3350, Madison, WI 53706, USA. Jenson, J. 2004), Catc hing Up to Reality: Building the Case for a New Social Model, CPRN Social Architecture Papers, Research Report F|35, Ottawa: Canadian Policy Research Networks Inc. (CPRN). Kanter, R. M. (1989) Swimming in newstreams: Mastering innovation dilemmas. California Management Review, 45–69 Levesque, B. and F. Lajeunesse-Crevier (2005), â€Å"Innovations et transformations sociales dans le developpement economique et le developpement social: approches theoriques et politiques publiques†, Cahiers du CRISES Collection Etudes theoriques, No. 07. Mark D. Abkowitz (Mar 31, 2008), Operational Risk Management : A Case Study Approach to Effective Planning and Response John Wiley & Sons, Inc. , Chichester. Miller, T. , and Bahia, H. U. , (2009). Sustainable Asphalt Pavements: Technologies, Knowledge Gaps and Opportunities, Modified Asphalt Research Center. Ravi Seethamraju, (2012) â€Å"Business process management: a missing link in business education†, Business Process Manageme nt Journal, Vol. 18 Iss: 3, pp. 532 – 547. Starbuck, W. H. (1983) Organisations as action generators.American Journal of Sociology, 48(1), 91–115. Teece, D. J. & Pisano, G. (1994) The dynamic capability of firms: An introduction. Industrial and Corporate Change, 3(3), 537–556. Tidd, J. , Bessant, J. & Pavitt, K. (2001). Managing innovation: Integrating technological, market and organizational change (2nd ed. ). Wiltshire: John Wiley. Quinn, J. B. (1985) Managing innovation: Controlled chaos. Harvard Business Review, May–June, 73–84 Von Hippel, E. , Thomke, S. & Sonnack, M. (1999) Creating breakthroughs at 3 m. Harvard Business Review, September–October, 47–57.